Monday 1 September 2008

7 Most Emotionally Coloured Appeals That Inspire Benefactor to Donate Your Good Cause

To tell you the truth, emotion is the basis of all trade and commerce. Emotions play a great role in the process of decision-making whether you are buying an automobile for yourself, a present for your beloved one or making a donation. We can assure you that fundraising is the most sensitive thing that relies on feeling so much. The way people feel about your appeal the way they reply to your fundraising request. Due to the fact that we human beings are gifted of an unlimited and rich diversity of emotions, sensations, feelings and senses so that we can define some fundamental appeals that work mainly well in fundraising. Here you are to follow 7 of them:

  1. Generosity. There are people that are truly philanthropic; some just have self-interested motivations to give. The best approach here is to combine rather delicately altruistic reasons with the other ones. Think that people are better and you get the result you want.
  2. Rage. Some emotional matters can lead to feelings of anger. This is a very powerful and influential factor of motivation, but a risky one. If your donation company aimed at anger- spread it all over carefully. Sure you must not slide into fuzzy-wuzzy words. Between the lines your appeal is supposed to be as "This is disgraceful and we are to stop and prevent it!"
  3. Fault. Guilt and inconvenience might be your emotional partners in any particular call. In order to make your scenario work and lift desire to grant, you are required to create a persuaded intensity of discomfort about the issue you are suggesting. The idea is that the donor would acquire a guilty feeling if he does not help. Also you can plant “some seeds of guilt” by providing some greeting cards, address labels etc.
  4. Horror. Usually this influential feeling works very rapid. Fear leads a person to make a donation thus he protects himself from any misfortunes and diseases in future. It is a complicated method and you have to offer it carefully not to show that is a pure selfish motivation.
  5. Ideals. If you have a big inspirational idea, you can express your message in the thesis like "I am ready to change the world" plea. For sure you may say that there are so many cases can be treated as world modifying. You must remember one clever trick is to make your appeal more realistic, believable and convincing than the other ones. That is all here.
  6. Eternity. Being children we think that we are immortal and are going to live forever. Being adults we realize that life has its end and will not live eternally. But we have an irresistible desire to try and leave a page in the humankind history. Engraved commemorative inscriptions in a performance vestibule, in black and white names in tabloids, mentions in various charity campaigns and other stuff like this. All these real records of success and triumph give people a sense of accomplishment. These symbols allow you to think of a kind of immortality.
  7. Joy. You are free to state that is rather simple to appeal using more negative and self-centered drive for donation. Yes, however there are some people that are happy and have a great feeling of joy being needed, helping others, sharing and giving things, donating money etc. If you appeal on joy factor be sure that it finds its audience. You will see how many times it works and wins.

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